About this blog

Welcome to my blog about femininity and seduction!

I started this blog because while there are many page out there about femininity (often with a religious slant), and many about seduction(often too focussed on sex), there wasn’t really a page that combined both topics in a calm and elegant way. I guess the reason behind this is that both concepts are to some extent taboo in modern western culture, except in the fringes of society, although this is changing fast.

I’m of the opinion that a woman can cultivate what makes her different from men without taking on a rigid role or becoming a stereotype. It is a myth that a woman would have to give up her freedom and individuality to be feminine. I see a wide range of feminine women in daily life as well as fiction; both Ma Ingalls and Morticia Addams are feminine women, though they are worlds apart.Β  I like it when a woman cultivate their femininity is a way that enhances her individual personality.

Most people think of promiscuity when they hear the word seduction. I would define it more broadly as consciously enticing another to do something they would otherwise not do. It has something to do with sex, because whenever we seduce we do take advantage of the way the human mind is programmed to promote reproductive success. Yet it is often done in a very refined and abstract way, so that sex may neither be what the enticed expects nor what he does as a result of the seduction. Much in the same way an elegant haute cuisine dinner takes advantage of the wiring associated with the need to be nourished. Yet if we would go to the best chefs, simply to get the physical need for nourishment met, it would be an insult to their art.



14 Responses to About this blog

  1. Alice says:

    Very nicely done!

  2. Ekaterina says:

    Gigi, love to get to know you!!! Please keep writing about it – I strongly believe that femininity should be a topic β„–1 among women!

  3. Teresina Wickham says:

    Gigi, I look forward to the possibilities of interacting with this group of beauty-sisters that you have conjured to share our feminine wisdoms- Blessings.

  4. TheLoveLibrarian says:

    If you haven’t already, I suggest reading Seductress: Women Who Ravished the World and their Lost Art of Love by Betsy Prioleau. She touches on many of the same topics you blog about.

  5. Beauty says:

    Great article, Gigi! I found it very refreshing and sympathetic. πŸ™‚

  6. Clare says:

    Lovely to come across your blog, Gigi! I’ve enjoyed scrolling through your posts. Keep up the good work! xx

  7. kitten0629 says:

    This looks like it could help me a lot! I look forward to reading more on your site…I was reading one of your posts however called “Attention”, and wondered if maybe the site was geared towards older women…? I’m only 22, and I do want the material to be relevant to my age group πŸ™‚ I’m married and a mother, so I got really excited when I found your blog and I hope that I can use it to my advantage.

  8. Thank you for your appreciation Kitten.
    When I write, I express what is inside me, without having a particular age of audience in mind. I have readers in all age groups, marital statusses, races and countries. Feel free to read the posts that appeal to you and skip the ones that do not.

  9. ninjawhee says:

    “Much in the same way an elegant haute cuisine dinner takes advantage of the wiring associated with the need to be nourished. Yet if we would go to the best chefs, simply to get the physical need for nourishment met, it would be an insult to their art.”

    I’m on the road to discovering my own femininity and your blogposts have been useful, Thanks Gigi

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